1. Commitment on human rights
We, all officers and employees of YADORIGI Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “we”), will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by respecting human rights in all aspects of our corporate activities.
2. References and scope
We will strive to avoid discrimination and human rights violations in all of our services and business activities in accordance with international human rights principles, and will also require our suppliers and business partners to respect and not violate human rights in accordance with these principles.
3. Emphasis on diversity
We respect the diversity of our coworkers and will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, origin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation, age, disability, illness, etc. Opportunities are always equal, and hiring, placement, evaluation, compensation, and promotion will be based on the individual’s abilities, experience, and performance.
4. Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
We will prohibit all forms of forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor, and will work to correct and eradicate labor practices that violate human rights.
5. Benefits and Wages
We will comply with applicable laws regarding wages, working hours, overtime hours and benefits. In addition, we will work to reduce excessive working hours beyond legal compliance, and provide employees with compensation that exceeds the living wage, which is competitive with the local and industry labor market.
6. Maintaining the Safety and Health of Employees
We will provide a healthy and smart working environment, comply with laws, regulations and rules regarding safety and health, and maintain it by taking appropriate measures against health risks.
7. Freedom of Expression and Protection of Privacy
We will also recognize freedom of expression and privacy protection in communication, and take the utmost care to avoid infringement. Furthermore, we will treat all customers fairly and equitably, and provide safe and convenient services.
8. Communication
The promotion of this Charter will be overseen by the Human Rights Department, which will promote the dissemination of the Charter to all executives, employees and customers, and actively promote human rights awareness activities.